
Products and Services

Supporting patients, physicians, nurses, engineers, technicians, pharmacists and administrators around the world.

Products and Services by category

Products and Services by category

Your assurance. Our understanding.

Linde Healthcare offers medical and medicinal gases with innovative technologies, services and care solutions to support healthcare practitioners and patients in the challenging environment of modern healthcare.

Solutions from Linde Healthcare can be found in all healthcare settings:

  • - Our medical gases are used from anaesthesia and intensive care to obstetrics and pulmonology.

  • - Our technologies, such as the Linde Integrated Valve, facilitate and ease the delivery of medical gases.

  • - QI Medical Gas Services encompass specialist support to ensure your medical gas supply systems and routines meet best practice standards for quality, safety, reliability and efficiency.

  • - Innovative care solutions, such as REMEO and LISA, include transition and homecare services for patients with respiratory and sleep disorders.

Products and Services by care area

Products and Services by care area

Your realities. Our concern.

Our insight into the issues that shape your reality drives us to deliver breakthrough products and outstanding services. Our aim, as always, is to support you in achieving best practice healthcare.

Linde Healthcare products and services ensure safety and a high quality of care throughout the patient’s journey from hospital to homecare:

  • - In emergency medicine, Linde Healthcare’s medical gases and equipment are used to provide immediate life support and in enabling other life-saving procedures.

  • - In hospitals and clinics, Linde Healthcare provides a range of products, services and solutions for effective patient-focused care.

  • - In intermediate care, Linde Healthcare’s innovative services help facilitate early discharge from the hospital as well as prevent unnecessary admissions.

  • - At home, Linde Healthcare offers solutions to improve patient quality of life.

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Hospitals and clinics

Hospitals and clinics

The modern hospital is unthinkable without reliable supply of medical gases.

Linde Healthcare medical gases and services are used extensively throughout hospitals and clinics:

  • - Medicinal oxygen is used in life support as part of resuscitation and surgery.

  • - Medicinal nitrous oxide is used in anaesthesia.

  • - Medicinal nitrous oxide/oxygen mixtures are used in analgesia.

  • - Medicinal air is used for ventilation and aerosol therapy, and as a carrier gas for anaesthetic agents in inhalational anaesthesia.

  • - Nitric oxide has applications in neonatology.

In addition, the Linde Integrated Valve has revolutionised mobile gas therapy, enabling a rapid, life-saving response throughout the hospital.

HospitaCare Products

HospitaCare Products

Medical Oxygen

Medical oxygen is widely used for virtually all modern anaesthetic techniques as well as pre- and post-operative management. Oxygen provides life support by restoring tissue oxygen levels in a range of conditions, including:

  • - Cyanosis as a result of cardio-pulmonary disease.

  • - Surgical trauma, chest wound, rib fractures and coronary occlusions.

  • - Major trauma from shock, such as road accidents and gunshot wounds.

  • - Carbon monoxide poisoning, hypoxia.

Oxygen plays a vital role in the management of sudden cardiac and respiratory arrest whether drug induced or traumatic; as well as in resuscitation of critically ill patients when circulation is impaired. It is also used in neo-natal resuscitation. Afrox is the only supplier in South Africa to have been granted an approval for registration by Medicines Control Council (MCC) for use of medical oxygen for treatment of episodic cluster headaches.

Medical Carbon Dioxide

Carbon dioxide applications:

  • - Used to rapidly increase the depth of anaesthesia when volatile agents are being administered.

  • - To facilitate blind intubation in anaesthetic practice.

  • - To facilitate vasodilation, and thus lessen the degree of metabolic acidosis during induction of hyperthermia.

  • - To stimulate respiration after a period of apnoea.

  • -Used for various other clinical and physiological investigations.

Medical Nitrous 

Oxide Medical nitrous oxide applications:

  • - TFor the relief of severe pain, usually in emergency situations, by inhalation with 50% oxygen.

  • - Used during induction and maintenance of anaesthesia, in controlled situations.

Hospital Care Supply & Delivery

Hospital Care Supply & Delivery

Afrox’s medical gas and equipment distribution network is unrivalled within southern Africa. Wherever you are, we can supply.

For the convenience and comfort of our customers, Afrox HospitalCare offers an extensive  delivery service countrywide.

  • - All deliveries are scheduled via our world-class Customer Service Centre (CSC) which can be contacted on 0860 0202.

  • - Our CSC or your local Afrox HospitalCare representative is able to offer advice regarding lead times for our customer deliveries; however, these are naturally influenced by the proximity of our customer delivery points to Afrox distribution hubs.

  • - Generally all orders placed and approved with the Afrox CSC will be delivered the following day provided that the purchase order has been placed the previous day before 12 noon. Bulk delivery  is determined as per a telemetry system and bulk product can be delivered anytime as agreed upon with the customer.

  • - In general, product will be delivered to a safe and convenient location, given suitable ground conditions within the standard delivery window .

  • - Afrox will provide a customer representative with the proof of delivery (POD) collection note at the time of delivery and/or collection.

  • - For hospitals and other large medical establishments, bulk delivery patterns are established and dependent on demand. A minimum stock of 25% or 2 days supply is generally factored in the delivery planning and scheduling

  • - Afrox will re-ill bulk gases as per requirements by and agreement with the customer, at any scheduled time or day of the week .

  • - Delivery of gas other than in cylinders shall be effected at the point where it is discharged into the storage equipment at the customer site 

  • - Delivery of gas in cylinders shall be effected at the point where the cylinders are delivered to the customer site as per the Afrox delivery matrix 

  • - Afrox offers the convenience of a cylinder policy that operates on a “full-for-empty” basis. Extra allocations are available, subject to prior arrangement and availability 

  • - Geographical restrictions may apply in locations that are significantly distant from an Afrox filling  site. 



Our goal is to create a better quality of life for our patients in the home. Working with the healthcare community, we apply innovative technology, the latest medical research, and a wide variety of patient-focused services.

Linde Healthcare homecare solutions include the following:

  • - Oxygen therapy.

  • - Sleep therapy for patients with sleep disorders such as obstructive sleep apnoea.

  • - Ventilation therapy and other services for patients with serious chronic respiratory disorders.

  • - Aerosol therapy for patients with serious chronic respiratory disorders.

  • - Linde Integrated Valve to ensure safety and ease of use in home oxygen therapy.

  • - OXYTRAVEL to provide trouble-free travel for oxygen-dependent patients.

  • - Cluster headache.

We do more than simply deliver the product to the patient’s home. Our trained staff can install the device and educate the patient and family to achieve the best outcomes. We provide patient education materials and clinical follow-up. Our customer service is there to answer questions and meet requests for help. Technical service teams offer quick and effective assistance.

Oxygen Concentrators

Oxygen Concentrators

With the help from the products supplied by Afrox Homecare, patients can be treated at home with oxygen therapy. We can offer the patient the optimal medical oxygen therapy solution to meet their individual requirements.

An electrically-operated device that concentrates the oxygen content of normal room air to approximately 90% at flow rates up to 5l/min. Concentrators are convenient, cost-effective, do not require refills and are aesthetically attractive. Of all the delivery systems used by oxygen-dependent patients, oxygen concentrators are the most common and usually the most economical method to provide oxygen therapy at home. An oxygen concentrator is an electrical device that uses sieve-bed technology to extract oxygen from the surrounding air. This oxygen is then delivered to the patient using a plastic tube connected to a nasal cannula or facemask. The advantages of a concentrator over other forms of oxygen supply are:

  • - Concentrators provide a continuous supply of oxygen, while requiring very low maintenance.

  • - The concentrator stays in the room in which it is placed and the person using the device can use a longer length of oxygen tubing (15m of tubing is provided free of charge) to move around the house without having to move the concentrator.

  • - Concentrators are highly cost-efficient.

Because concentrators operate solely on electricity, it is critical that they are always supplied with a back-up cylinder to ensure uninterrupted oxygen supply, even during power failure.